
Curb Your Blogging Frustration in 8 Steps

1. Stop Making Excuses

You can make excuses all day long but excuses don’t get to the root of the problem and solve it. It’s like the old “The dog ate my homework” excuse. The excuse only explains what happened to your homework. It doesn’t explain how it happened and it doesn’t say anything about how you’re going to prevent the same thing from happening in the future.
Instead of making excuses, look for reasons. Why did they dog eat your homework? Because you smudged it with pizza sauce and left it lying on the table. How are you going to prevent it from happening in the future? You’re going to put it in your backpack and hang it on the hook where the dog can’t reach it.
And excuse answers the question “How?” A reason answers the question “Why” and provides solutions to the problem.

2. Re-Visit Your Purpose For Blogging

If you’re constantly aiming just a little bit left of the target then of course you’re not going to hit the bullseye. And if you don’t realize your aim is off then you’re going to be frustrated, wondering what you’re doing wrong.
The answer is to re-evaluate your purpose for blogging so you can realign your aim. What do you want to accomplish with your blog?

3. Stop Hovering

Micro-managing your blog only leads to frustration. You know what your goal is but you’re stuck in a stall because you won’t post anything until it’s perfect and you can’t stop monitoring your stats. In the meantime, you see your goal but it’s not getting any closer. Stop hovering over your blog or you’re going to kill it before it even starts performing.

4. Focus On Your Readers

It’s easy to get frustrated over your blog’s performance when you’re focusing on numbers. In the blogging world, those number don’t always skyrocket as fast as you’d like. In fact, if that’s all you’re focused on, they probably won’t budge at all.
Instead, focus on numbers you can more easily control, like your posting frequency, the blog comments you’re leaving, your interactions in the social networks – things that matter to your readers. If you’re making your readers happy the other numbers will come.

5. Build On Your Strengths

Only you know what you do best. Trying to conform to some “blogging rule” that doesn’t work for you and doesn’t work for your readers is only going to add to your frustration. You can’t please all the people all the time so don’t even try. Be yourself and do what you do best, and you’ll please more people than you can imagine.

6. Set Realistic Goals

If you’ve ever tried to lose weight then you know how frustrating it can be trying to lose 100 pounds in two months. It’s impossible to do and still be healthy, so most people give up, then try again, give up, then try again. Frustration just keeps growing.
Instead, set realistic goals that are achievable so you can feel a sense of accomplishment instead of frustration. If you’ve never blogged a day in your life it’s unrealistic to expect to make $1,000 a month in two month’s time because you have a lot to learn. Set yourself a goal to earn $10 a month in two month’s time. You’ll actually be able to accomplish this goal and it will make it easier to reach your next goal.

7. Stay Committed

Too many bloggers let themselves off the hook by being non-committal. They tell themselves blogging is just a hobby and then they’re frustrated and whiny when they’re not seeing results. Building a successful blog is a long-term project that required commitment every step of the way.

8. Take A Closer Look At Your Idols

The next time you’re feeling frustrated because you don’t have the followers or subscribers that your idol has, take a closer look at his blog. Go all the way back to the beginning of his archives. Chances are his content wasn’t great in the beginning. He started off just like you. The only advantage he has over you now is time. A-list bloggers weren’t born with their blogs at the top of the index. They had to work to get their just like you do.

Keywords :

 Curb Your Blogging Frustration