List building is one of the key components of having a successful business in any niche, both online and off.
Yet many people fail to realize this. In fact, the 98% of people who fail to make money online are stuck in that bracket because they simply don’t have a list.
Why is list building so important?
1. No More Google Dependency Issues
Forget about SEO and backlinking.
If Google ever decides to de-index all your websites, you will still have a list to communicate directly with. Whether it’s to promote an offer or drive them to your website, they’ll be right at your fingertips.
2. Strengthen Relationships with Subscribers
By having a list you can build a relationship with your prospects. Give them additional information and content of value.
Make it a two-way communication channel by inviting subscribers to reply to your emails with feedback and questions. I do this all the time. You’ll be amazed how much value you’ll receive in the process!
3. Drive traffic anywhere you want
Plus, if you’re looking to build a loyal readership (which you absolutely should) then this is a great way to remind them of all the awesomeness that your website provides.
Remember that there a gabajizillions of other sites out there and your visitors likely hop around a LOT.
So a list is imperative to keep them entertained and coming back to you for more.
4. Make crazy sales and commissions
Firstly, statistics have found that on average, people need to interact with a product or brand 8 times before making a purchase.
Just because a visitor stopped to look through an offer you’re promoting but didn’t pull out their credit card, doesn’t mean they never will.
With a list you can capture all the leads who showed interest in your offer and follow up with them later. Give them more information on the product, talk about the benefits and provide an easy way for them to get it.
Chances are, as you build a relationship and continue having a discourse, when they are ready to buy, they’ll go through you.
Secondly you can promote products directly to your list. Simple as that.
You don’t have to stress out over traffic generation or site optimization. Whether you have your own product or you’re an affiliate for someone else’s product, blast out the link to your list and make those sales.
Now when it comes to getting started, growing and nurturing your list… Well, that’s a whole other blog post in the making! I promise I’ll let you in on all my secrets soon ;)