
Online Money Making Ideas in 2013 l PIDOTS

Even President Obama emphasized a power of Internet marketing in November 2012. The fact is that Internet marketing has become an important part of economy structure, yet it is still underrated in some way. People are not informed about the Internet Marketing at all. The majority thinks 99% of IM is a scam, while people who don’t believe in that, think how you need to be technically super skilled to earn money online. They are both wrong.

To earn money online, you don’t need to be a computer genius or a crazy programmer. There is a lot of money making ideas which can be very profitable although you don’t need to be a Jedi (web)Master to start to earn from that methods. I will give you some tips here based on my own experience, what would be the best money making ideas to start to earn money online.

CPA Marketing

My favorite way of earning money online! Actually, compared with the other forms of marketing, CPA (cost per action) is a very low competition industry.

What is CPA? I am sure most of you know- CPA is a part of affiliate marketing, but its benefits are: you don’t need to sell anything. You are paid a commission for a wide range of offers. It can be just simple email / zip code submit or free trial, mobile offers, etc. Basically all you have to do is to drive traffic to an offer you promote. Every time when a visitor fill out his email/zip code or submit for an offer, you will earn money. CPA is a very profitable business because you earn from leads, you don’t need to sell anything. You are just a promoter. This is the reason that CPA offers often converts much better than affiliate marketing sales.
Also, there is a plenty of CPA networks you can join and start to promote their offers in order to get paid.

Email Marketing

Most of you already read somewhere that ”money is in the list”, right? That is true. Estimated earnings are approximately $1/month per each visitor. Imagine if you build a list which consists from few hundred highly targeted subscribers. The best part – it is not so hard! I have just started to creating an email list for one niche, five weeks ago. I already have almost 400 hundred subscribers. I am constantly providing good information on my list in order to engage my subscribers. I can promote anything – affiliate marketing products, CPA offers, my services, etc. People usually think it is very hard to build a list. It is not a piece of cake, but it is really not that hard. To be honest, it is a lot harder to engage your visitors with a unique approach to them over the email. People get sick and tired of email spamming and emails written in a sales manner with only one purpose – to sell something. Instead of it you should focus on hearing the pulse of your subscribers – what do they want, how can you help them. That way you will connect more with them and you will be more successful.

Fiverr Gigs

Ok, this is a very lucrative money making idea. If you already know what is a Fiverr, head on to their website and see various gigs. 
Browse a lot. I am sure you will find something which will inspire you to offer a gig there on your own. There are various gigs there, from social media marketing, spreading flyers to making funny videos or selling ebooks in bulk. I am sure you will come up with some idea. After you create a few gigs (Tip – always create a video to promote your gig!) promote it over your social network accounts. Like I said, this can be very, very lucrative method to earn money.
Make a full-time income with Internet marketing in 2013. Be persistent. Be creative. You will succeed. It is not that hard like people think.