1. Promote For Your Audience
It only makes sense – If you’re blogging in the gardening niche then you’re audience is probably looking for information on gardening tools, seeds, and soil supplements. When you write blog posts about those topics the traffic comes rolling in. Why then do you have a banner for Host Gator web hosting in your sidebar? And another banner for one of those How To Make Money Blogging programs?Promote products that interest your readers. If your readers are coming to your blog looking for gardening information then chances are they’d be interested in buying gardening tools, gardening gloves, garden gnomes, seeds, and soil supplements.
2. Promote Quality Products
If you’re bringing in traffic then you probably have some pretty good quality content on your blog, otherwise they’d be visiting some other blog. So, if you know your readers are attracted to quality, it only makes sense to show them quality products.You’d be surprised how many bloggers promote the first product they trip over. But if you’re promoting yourself as an expert in your niche and you point your readers to a poor-quality product, then you just look like a snake oil salesman.
Remember, as an affiliate marketer, you don’t get paid until your reader clicks your link and actually buys the product. Before you decide to promote any product, take a look at the sales page you’re sending your reader to. Is it a professional quality page? Would you be tempted to buy after reading it? Because if that sales page doesn’t convince the visitor to buy, you don’t earn any commission.
It’s not always possible to purchase and test every product you’re promoting. If you can, that’s great. Test it before you promote it to your readers. If you can’t do some research and read some reviews. Don’t kill your credibility by promoting a poor quality product.
3. Establish Expertise
If you’ve been blogging for a while your readers are already looking to you as an expert and already learning to trust you, which is important because they’re not going to follow your links if they don’t trust you. But you can boost the success rate of your affiliate promotions if you also help establish trust in the vendor you’re promoting.Invite the vendor to submit a few guest posts for your blog. Not his standard sales-hype articles. Real articles that provide useful information about his product that help establish him as an expert and help establish reader trust. With your expert advice and opinions, backed up by the expert and useful advice of the vendor, your readers can’t help but trust in you and your product.
Keywords :
Blog Smarter
Your Blogging Skills into
Successful Affiliate Promotions
Promote quality products
Promote for Your audie,ce